Question: 1 / 835

At what grade can a thrill first be palpated while assessing for a cardiac murmur?

Grade II

Grade III

Grade IV

A thrill is a palpable vibration that is often associated with severe heart murmurs and significant turbulence of blood flow. It is an important finding during a cardiovascular assessment as it indicates a higher grade of murmur and often correlates with more substantial hemodynamic changes or structural heart issues.

A Grade II murmur is typically soft and may not produce a palpable thrill, as it represents a relatively low intensity. Similarly, a Grade III murmur is louder than Grade II but is still generally not strong enough to produce a palpable thrill.

In contrast, a Grade IV murmur is considered a loud murmur that is accompanied by a palpable thrill. This classification reflects the severity and intensity of the murmur, often indicating a significant underlying cardiac condition that causes turbulent blood flow. A thrill is an important clinical finding and helps guide further evaluation and management.

To summarize, a thrill can first be palpated at Grade IV, which signals a more severe murmur and potential cardiovascular concern.

Grade V


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